Happy New Year to all!
This last year has been filled with fun, and filled with sorrow! In just the last month, we got married, my man broke his hand and had to wait two weeks before a doctor would even look at it, and our old man, Buddy, passed away very suddenly on the 15th! Poor guy... He was sick for a long time, and I guess his old body couldn't take it.
I have set myself some new goals for the new year!
1) Blackberries. Maybe this year I can get rid of them (HA!)
2) Build a chicken coop. Nothing fancy, but for when we move!
3) Move!
4) Update the blog at least once a week... We'll see how that goes!
This years garden is going to be different! The peas were a bit of a bust, so was the corn, and the cucumbers never had a chance it seems! The spinach was lame, and the tomatoes did nothing but annoy me! This year will be squash, more corn, and lots of lettuce! I loved having fresh lettuce to eat everyday!
Here's hoping the new year will be better than the last! Who knows what's in store for our little family?

I dedicate this next year to you, Buddy