Monday, October 13, 2014

Happy Thanksgiving...

Today marks the Canadian Thanksgiving.  A day of turkey, pie, family, and more pie.  It also marks the first day of our holiday season.  Soon will be Halloween, our Remembrance Day to look back and give thanks to our veterans, Christmas, and New Years.  As well, the majority of my family has their birthday in the winter months.

Today, however, is a great reminder to look back on all we have and to be thankful.

As winter draws closer, the days get shorter, and the weather turns bitter, its good to have a day like Thanksgiving.  Traditionally a day to get together and share the year's harvest, its a day to be thankful for all that you have.  Winding down the year with remembering all I have to be thankful for this year is a great reminder. 

Anyone who knows me or my family knows that we have had a very difficult year.  It could even be considered the hardest 10 months we have ever experienced as a family.  I won't go into details since it is long and I would feel very much like I was having a pity party, but trust my word.  It has been because of these difficulties that I haven't upheld my personal goal to blog and write more, hence the absence here, but I plan on changing that.

With the tradition of giving thanks, I want to count the blessings among the storm of ill luck and bad days we have had.

I am deeply thankful for my husband.  Because of him I have been able to take this year off work and it has been such a blessing.  Not having to work meant I was able to spend more time with my family and with myself.  Because of my husband's support, I was able to learn a new hobby and have fallen in love with blacksmithing.  My husband is my greatest support, and my greatest love.  I can't imagine a better life then the one I share with him.

I am thankful to my dogs.  They are great motivators to be better.  It doesn't matter how I feel, they still need love and exercise and depend on me to give it to them.  No slacking!  However, Jack is a wonderful cuddle buddy when I am having a bad day and will sit quietly with me until Hubby comes home.  So thankful to have him nearby.

My family.  Where would a person be without their family?  This year has brought us closer for so many reasons, and I am so thankful for that.  I love my family and couldn't ask for a better set of people to share my life with.  I have watched my niece grow up and attend her first day of kindergarten and my nephew as he started walking in earnest, getting into all kinds of trouble!  I have seen both my sister and sister-in-law become amazing mothers in the same weekend!  Just before my birthday, both of these amazing women (and their husbands of course) welcomed their daughters into the world, and I couldn't ask for a better birthday gift then to be their Auntie.  My brother proposed to his amazing girlfriend of 5 years, much to the delight of us all.  We all knew they were meant for each other, so it was a delight when my brother made it official.  She is such a wonderful woman, and I'm so excited for them both.

And finally, my friends.  Where would I be without the understanding support of my friends?  From coffee dates to phone chats, my friends have been there for me and my family tremendously this year.  I'm sorry to all of those I have ditched last minute when something has come up, and I will make it up to you, but in the meantime, know that all of you mean everything to me.

Though I have much more to be thankful for, my family, friends, and dogs will always be my greatest blessings and this Thanksgiving leaves me with much to be thankful for and much to look forward to.  This Christmas will be the first for my nieces, and as my family keeps getting larger, my blessing do as well. 

I hope everyone has full bellies as they share this day, and many more, with great friends and family.

Happy Thanksgiving.


  1. Awesome post. Happy Thanksgiving! <3

  2. What a wonderful post, Laura. I'm really looking forward to more of your blog posts! You write so well, puts me to shame!

    Also, I cleaned out my crisper and accidently threw out my apples yesterday for apple pie. I am now without apple pie.
